







Sub-catchment-based urban flood risk assessment with a multi-index fuzzy evaluation approach: a case study of Jinjiang district, China

Joint disaster relief: the Chinese civilian rescue teams' response to the 2021 Henan flood

Is a wet-bulb temperature of 35 &LCIRC;C the correct threshold for human survivability?

System dynamic modeling of the NGO post-disaster relief contribution in the 2021 Henan flood in China

Monitoring land subsidence with the combination of persistent scatterer interferometry techniques and distributed fiber optic sensing techniques: a case study in Suzhou, China 

Water yield service influence by climate and land use change based on InVEST model in the monsoon hilly watershed in South China

Evaluating the Influence of Multisource Typhoon Precipitation Data on Multiscale Urban Pluvial Flood Modeling 

Towards comprehensive regional resilience evaluation, resistance, recovery, and creativity: From the perspective of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake 

Extending the Heat Index

Chronically underestimated: a reassessment of US heat waves using the extended heat index

Modeling of a compound flood induced by the levee breach at Qianbujing Creek, Shanghai, during Typhoon Fitow

A Potential Risk Index Dataset for Landfalling Tropical Cyclones over the Chinese Mainland (PRITC dataset V1.0) 

Perceived impact of the Covid-19 crisis on SMEs in different industry sectors: Evidence from Sichuan, China

An NGO disaster relief network for small and medium-scale natural hazards in China

Improvement of the satellite-derived NOx emissions on air quality modeling and its effect on ozone and secondary inorganic aerosol formation in the Yangtze River Delta, China 

Quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic and natural perturbations on gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) at a suburban site in eastern China using generalized additive models 

Rebuilding resilient homeland: an NGO-led post-Lushan earthquake experimental reconstruction program 

Applications of ocean currents data from high-frequency radars and current profilers to search and rescue missions around Taiwan