Chan Chung Leung Johnny

Increasing tropical cyclone intensity in the western North Pacific partly driven by warming Tibetan Plateau


Reply to: Limitations of reanalyses for detecting tropical cyclone trends


Understanding uncertainties in projections of western North Pacific tropical cyclogenesis


Recent advances in seasonal and multi-annual tropical cyclone forecasting


A frequent ice-free Arctic is likely to occur before the mid-21st century


Research priorities for studying tropical cyclone climate in East Asia


Rainfall strength and area from landfalling tropical cyclones over the North Indian and western North Pacific oceans under increased CO2 conditions


Recent Unusual Consecutive Spring Tropical Cyclones in North Atlantic and Winter Oceanic Precursor Signals


Three-Dimensional Fujiwhara Effect for Binary Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific


Frequency and Intensity of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in East Asia: Past Variations and Future Projections


Importance of Self‐Induced Vertical Wind Shear and Diabatic Heating on the Fujiwhara Effect


Book review. Climate Variability and Tropical Cyclone Activity


Record‐breaking rainfall accumulations in eastern China produced by Typhoon In‐fa (2021)


Increase in tropical cyclone rain rate with translation speed


Uncertainties in tropical cyclone landfall decay


Publisher Correction: Landfalling hurricane track modes and decay


Prevalence of Heatwaves in East Asia and the Impact of Climate Change


s41612-022-00272-4 (2)


Declining tropical cyclone frequency under global warming


Landfalling hurricane track modes and decay


Importance of Air-Sea Coupling in Simulating Tropical Cyclone Intensity at Landfall


Trends of Tropical Cyclone Translation Speed over the Western North Pacific during 1980−2018


Dynamics and characteristics of dry and moist heatwaves over East Asia


Evaluation of Vietnam air emissions and the impacts of revised power development plan (PDP7 rev) on spatial changes in the thermal power sector


Microphysical Characteristics of Extreme-Rainfall Convection over the Pearl River Delta Region, South China from Polarimetric Radar Data during the Pre-summer Rainy Season


Numerical Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis Part II: Identification of large‐scale physical processes under the monsoon shear line synoptic pattern


Recent Decrease in the Difference in Tropical Cyclone Occurrence between the Atlantic and the Western North Pacific


Opposite Changes in Tropical Cyclone Rain Rate During the Recent El Niño and La Niña Years


The Decadal Variation of Eastward‐Moving Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea During 1980–2020


Latitudinal Variation of the Lifetime Maximum Intensity Location of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation


Growing Threat of Rapidly-Intensifying Tropical Cyclones in East Asia


Preface to the Special Issue: Climate Change and Variability of Tropical Cyclone Activity


Comprehensive evaluation of electricity generation and emission reduction potential in the power sector using renewable alternatives in Vietnam


Evaluation of the performance of tropical cyclone track prediction techniques


How Does Pacific Decadal Oscillation Affect Tropical Cyclone Activity Over Far East Asia?


Vertical Variation of Tropical Cyclone Size in the Western North Pacific


Impacts of Urban Expansion on the Diurnal Variations of Summer Monsoon Precipitation Over the South China Coast


Author Correction: A new approach for location-specific seasonal outlooks of typhoon and super typhoon frequency across the Western North Pacific region


Historical and recent change in extreme climate over East Asia


A new approach for location-specific seasonal outlooks of typhoon and super typhoon frequency across the Western North Pacific region


Tropical cyclones near landfall can induce their own intensification through feedbacks on radiative forcing


Large Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast Errors of Global Numerical Weather Prediction Models in western North Pacific Basin


The dominant role of East Asia warming in increasing tropical western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity


Development of on‐road emission inventory and evaluation of policy intervention on future emission reduction toward sustainability in Vietnam


How Does the Onset Time of El Niño Events Affect Tropical Cyclone Genesis and Intensity over the Western North Pacific?


Recent global decrease in the inner-core rain rate of tropical cyclones


Rethinking disaster resilience in high-density cities: Towards an urban resilience knowledge system


Numerical Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis Part I: Evaluation of Model Performance


Increasing TCHP in the western North Pacific and its influence on the intensity of FAXAI and HAGIBIS in 2019


Meridional oscillation of tropical cyclone activity in the western North Pacific during the past 110 years


Changing Relationship Between Tibetan Plateau Temperature and South China Sea Summer Monsoon Precipitation


Development of 2015 Vietnam emission inventory for power generation units


ENSO and Tropical Cyclones


Impact of Cloud Microphysics Schemes on Tropical Cyclone Forecast Over the Western North Pacific


Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Cities: A Case of Hong Kong


Recent increase in extreme intensity of tropical cyclones making landfall in South China


Tropical Cyclones Warming World: An Assessment of Projections


Impacts of Urbanization on the Precipitation Characteristics in Guangdong Province, China


Characteristics, Physical Mechanisms, and Prediction of Pre-summer Rainfall over South China: Research Progress during 2008-2019Characteristics, Physical Mechanisms, and Prediction of Pre-summer Rainfall over South China: Research Progress during 2008-2019


Statistical Characteristics of Pre-Summer Rainfall over South China and Associated Synoptic ConditionsStatistical Characteristics of Pre-Summer Rainfall over South China and Associated Synoptic Conditions


Major factors of global and regional monsoon rainfall changes: natural versus anthropogenic forcing


Effects of the outer size on tropical cyclone track forecasts


Spatial heterogeneities of current and future hurricane flood risk along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts


Global warming changes tropical cyclone translation speed


Incorporating natural habitats into coastal risk assessment frameworks


Tropical cyclones act to intensify El Niño


Interdecadal variation of frequencies of tropical cyclones, intense typhoons and their ratio over the western North Pacific


Long‐term trends in tropical cyclone tracks around Korea and Japan in late summer and early fall


Integrating spatial statistics tools for coastal risk management: A case-study of typhoon risk in mainland China


Cultivating environmentally responsible citizens in a local university in Hong Kong - evaluating the cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral outcomes


Aircraft Observations of Tropical Cyclone Boundary Layer Turbulence over the South China Sea


An Observational Study of a Coastal Barrier Jet Induced by a Landfalling Typhoon


Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecasting


Advances in understanding difficult cases of tropical cyclone track forecasts


Tropical cyclones act to intensify El Niño


Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change Assessment: Part II. Projected Response to Anthropogenic Warming


Near-future tropical cyclone predictions in the western North Pacific: fewer tropical storms but more typhoons


A Method for Diagnosing the Secondary Circulation with Saturated Moist Entropy Structure in a Mature Tropical Cyclone




Summplementary Information_EarthsFuture2019EF001226.pdf


Integrating Typhoon Destructive Potential and Social‐Ecological Systems Toward Resilient Coastal Communities


Rapid intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over shallow water


Nature Matters: A Coupled Human-Nature System-Based Framework for Assessing Coastal Storm Risk along U.S. Atlantic Coast


Climate change and tropical cyclone trend


Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change Assessment: Part I. Detection and Attribution


The Tropical Transition in the Western North Pacific: The Case of Tropical Cyclone Peipah (2007)


Rainfall asymmetries of landfalling tropical cyclones along the South China coast


Risk assessment for the sustainability of coastal communities: A preliminary study


Long-term features of tropical cyclones affecting Taiwan


Cyclone-track based seasonal prediction for South Pacific tropical cyclone activity using APCC multi-model ensemble prediction


Interdecadal variability of the location of maximum intensity of category 4‐5 typhoons and its implication on landfall intensity in East Asia


Changes of tropical cyclone landfalls in South China throughout the twenty-first century


The western Pacific subtropical high and tropical cyclone landfall: Seasonal forecasts using the Met Office GloSea5 system


A Train-Like Extreme Multiple Tropical Cyclogenesis Event in the Northwest Pacific in 2004


The Outer-Core Wind Structure of Tropical Cyclones


A 31‐year climatology of tropical cyclone size from the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis


Simulating seasonal tropical cyclone intensities at landfall along the South China coast


The Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Area and Environmental Conditions over the Subtropical Oceans


Statistical prediction of non-Gaussian climate extremes in urban areas based on the first-order difference method


Effect of the Initial Vortex Size on Intensity Change in the WRF-ROMS Coupled Model




Oxford Handbook Topics in Physical Sciences


Physical Mechanisms Responsible for Track Changes and Rainfall Distributions Associated with Tropical Cyclone Landfall


Changing relationship between La Niña and tropical cyclone landfalling activity in South China (La Niña and TC landfalling activity in South China): LA NIÑA AND TC LANDFALLING ACTIVITY IN SOUTH CHINA


Near-Future Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the North Atlantic


The Science of William M. Gray: His Contributions to the Knowledge of Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones


Variations in the power dissipation index in the East Asia region


Asymmetric response of tropical cyclone activity to global warming over the North Atlantic and western North Pacific from CMIP5 model projections


Supplementary Tables and Figures


Sensitivity of precipitation statistics to urban growth in a subtropical coastal megacity cluster


An Operational Statistical Scheme for Tropical Cyclone-Induced Rainfall Forecast


A numerical study into the interaction of tidal turbines in vertical arrays


Localised tidal power estimation and validation in the South China Sea


Tropical cyclone recurvature: An intrinsic property?


Sensitivity of the simulation of tropical cyclone size to microphysics schemes


Idealized Simulations of the Effect of Taiwan Topography on the Tracks of Tropical Cyclones with Different Steering Flow Strengths: Effect of Topography on Tropical Cyclone Tracks


Changes in Tropical Cyclone Intensity with Translation Speed and Mixed Layer Depth: Idealized WRF-ROMS Coupled Model Simulations: Idealized WRF-ROMS Coupled Model Simulations


Reply to Comment on ‘Roles of interbasin frequency changes in the poleward shifts of maximum intensity location of tropical cyclones’


Sensitivity of urban rainfall to anthropogenic heat flux: A numerical experiment


Global climatology of tropical cyclone size as inferred from QuikSCAT data


Demonstration of a new concept in tidal turbines


A new concept in tidal turbines


Roles of interbasin frequency changes in the poleward shifts of the maximum intensity location of tropical cyclones


Observed Variations of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity on Decadal Time Scales and Longer


Seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone activity in the Australian and the South Pacific Ocean regions


Idealized Simulations of the Effect of Taiwan Topography on the Tracks of Tropical Cyclones with Different Sizes




Recent decrease in typhoon destructive potential and global warming implications


New Directions in Hydro-Climatic Histories


Impacts of vortex intensity and outer winds on tropical cyclone size


New Directions in Hydro-Climatic Histories: Observational Data Recovery, Proxy Records and the Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) initiative in Southeast Asia


Modeling the Effects of Land-Sea Contrast on Tropical Cyclone Precipitation under Environmental Vertical Wind Shear


Idealized Simulations of the Effect of Local and Remote Topographies on Tropical Cyclone Tracks


Impacts of initial vortex size and planetary vorticity on tropical cyclone size


CORRIGENDUM: On the mechanisms of the recurvature of super typhoon Megi


Erratum: On the mechanisms of the recurvature of super typhoon Megi (Scientific Reports (2013) 3:4451 DOI: 10.1038/srep04451)


Numerical study on the development of asymmetric convection and vertical wind shear during tropical cyclone landfall


Idealized simulations of the effect of Taiwan and Philippines topographies on tropical cyclone tracks


Dynamical downscaling forecasts of Western North Pacific tropical cyclone genesis and landfall


Initialization with diabatic heating from satellite-derived rainfall


Multi-scale dynamics of tropical cyclone formations in an equilibrium simulation using a global cloud-system resolving model


Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes: Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific


Effects of Asymmetric SST Distribution on Straight-Moving Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) and Recurving Typhoon Maemi (2003)


Angular momentum transports and synoptic flow patterns associated with tropical cyclone size change


Rainfall distribution of five landfalling tropical cyclones in the northwestern Australian region


The Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the Western North Pacific through Data Mining. Part II: Tropical Cyclone Landfall


The Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the Western North Pacific through Data Mining. Part I: Tropical Cyclone Recurvature


Regional climate simulation of summer diurnal rainfall variations over East Asia and Southeast China


Intraseasonal to interdecadal variations of South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Inactive Period of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity in 1998-2011


Does warmer China land attract more super typhoons?


Supplementary Information


Geophysical Applications of Partial Wavelet Coherence and Multiple Wavelet Coherence


Impacts of land use changes and synoptic forcing on the seasonal climate over the Pearl River Delta of China


Variations of frequency of landfalling typhoons in East China, 1450–1949


Seasonal variation of diurnal and semidiurnal rainfall over Southeast China


Multi-scale dynamics of tropical cyclone formations in an equilibrium simulation using a global cloud-system resolving model


Dependency of typhoon intensity and genesis locations on El Nio phase and SST shift over the western North Pacific


Asymmetric Modulation of Western North Pacific Cyclogenesis by the Madden-Julian Oscillation under ENSO Conditions


Effects of SST magnitude and gradient on typhoon tracks around East Asia: Acase study for Typhoon Maemi (2003)


Interannual variations of tropical cyclone activity over the North Indian Ocean


Size and strength of tropical cyclones as inferred from QuikSCAT data


Variations and prediction of the annual number of tropical cyclones affecting Korea and Japan


Interannual variation of Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone activity and seasonal forecast of tropical cyclone number in the Australian region


Discrepancies between global reanalyses and observations in the interdecadal variations of Southeast Asian cold surge


A western North Pacific tropical cyclone intensity prediction scheme


Potential use of a regional climate model in seasonal tropical cyclone activity predictions in the western North Pacific


Interannual variations of early summer monsoon rainfall over South China under different PDO backgrounds


Maintenance mechanisms for the early‐morning maximum summer rainfall over southeast China


Anomalous Modes of Moisture Transport by East Asian Summer Monsoon and Associated Rainfall Patterns in China




Environmental impacts on tropical cyclone structure and intensity change


The Effect of a River Delta and Coastal Roughness Variation on a Landfalling Tropical Cyclone


Global Warming and Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific from an Observational Perspective


'Major' volcanic eruptions since 1883 and East Asian monsoon variability


Structural changes of a tropical cyclone during landfall: β-plane simulations


Influence of South China Sea SST and the ENSO on winter rainfall over South China


A planetary‐scale land–sea breeze circulation in East Asia and the western North Pacific


A Bayesian Regression Approach to Seasonal Prediction of Tropical Cyclones Affecting the Fiji Region


'Major' volcanic eruptions and climatic disasters


An Improved Statistical Scheme for the Prediction of Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall in South China


Movement of Tropical Cyclones


Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones: From Science to Mitigation


Mesoscale vortex generation and merging process: A case study associated with a post-landfall tropical depression


Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change


Volcanoes and storms


Volcanic forcing of monsoonal precipitation variability in selected modern volcanic eruptions


The Role of MJO and midlatitude fronts in the South China Sea summer monsoon onset


Synoptic-Scale Controls of Persistent Low Temperature and Icy Weather over Southern China in January 2008


Tropical cyclone genesis frequency over the western North Pacific simulated in medium-resolution coupled general circulation models


The 30–60‐day oscillation in the East Asian summer monsoon and its time‐dependent association with the ENSO


The 30–60-day oscillation in the East Asian summer monsoon and its time-dependent association with the ENSO


Thermodynamic control on the climate of intense tropical cyclones


Inter-annual and inter-decadal variations of landfalling tropical cyclones in East Asia. Part I: time series analysis


Interdecadal unstationary relationship between NAO and east China's summer precipitation patterns


Interdecadal variability of tropical cyclone landfall in the Philippines from 1902 to 2005


Interannual and interdecadal variations of tropical cyclone activity in the South China Sea


Effect of the climate shift around mid 1970s on the relationship between wintertime Ural blocking circulation and East Asian climate


Diurnal variations of circulation and precipitation in the vicinity of the Tibetan Plateau in early summer


A Dual-scheme approach of cumulus parameterization for simulating the Asian summer monsoon


Impacts of the basin-wide Indian Ocean SSTA on the South China Sea summer monsoon onset


A Simple Seasonal Forecast Update of Tropical Cyclone Activity


Relationship between typhoon activity and upper ocean heat content


Interdecadal Variability of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Tracks


Effects of upstream surface heat fluxes on the evolution of the South China Sea summer monsoon


Water vapor sources associated with the early summer precipitation over China


A Simple Empirical Model for Estimating the Intensity Change of Tropical Cyclones after Landfall along the South China Coast


Interdecadal variability of the relationship between the East Asia winter monsoon and ENSO


Decadal variations of intense typhoon occurrence in the western North Pacific


Modeling the Effects of Land Sea Roughness Contrast on Tropical Cyclone Winds


Interannual variations of intense typhoon activity


Asymmetric Distribution of Convection Associated with Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall along the South China Coast


A simulation study on pre-landfall erratic track of typhoon Haitang (2005)


Interannual variations of intense typhoon activity


Initialization with diabatic heating from satellite-derived rainfall


A new scheme for the initialisation of tropical cyclones in the UK Meteorological Office global model


Time-lagged effects of spring Tibetan Plateau soil moisture on the monsoon over China in early summer


Tropical cyclone forecasting with model‐constrained 3D‐Var. II: Improved cyclone track forecasting using AMSU‐A, QuikSCAT and cloud‐drift wind data


Tropical cyclone forecasting with model‐constrained 3D‐Var. I: Description


ENSO and South China Sea summer monsoon onset


Convection suppression criteria applied to the MIT cumulus parameterization scheme for simulating the Asian summer monsoon


The interdecadal variations of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China


Impact of Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors on Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts


Effects of surface heating over Indochina and India landmasses on the summer monsoon over South China


Intensity Estimation of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific with AMSU-A Temperature Data


Ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclone motion using a baroclinic model


Tropical Cyclone Motion in Response to Land Surface Friction


Comment on "Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment"


Ten‐year climatology of summer monsoon over South China and its surroundings simulated from a regional climate model


Nonstationarity of the Intraseasonal Oscillations Associated with the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon


A Model Constrained 3D-Var Data Assimilation Scheme


Statement on Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change


Differences between the NCEP /NCAR and ERA40 reanalysis data over China


Tropical cyclone landfall under the influence of uniform flow


Intraseasonal oscillations and the South China Sea summer monsoon onset


The Effects of the Full Coriolis Force on the Structure and Motion of a Tropical Cyclone. Part I: Effects due to Vertical Motion


South China Sea summer monsoon onset in relation to the off-equatorial ITCZ


Ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclone motion using a barotropic model. Part III: Combining perturbations of the environment and the vortex


The Influence of Uniform Flow on Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change


The effect of three-dimensional variational data assimilation of QuikSCAT data on the numerical simulation of typhoon track and intensity


Intraseasonal Variability of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Effects of the Indo-China Peninsula Heat Fluxes on the 1998 South China Sea Summer Monsoon *


Numerical simulation of the urban boundary over the complex terrain of Hong Kong


Interannual and interdecadal variations of tropical cyclone activity over the Western North Pacific


PDO, ENSO and the early summer monsoon rainfall over South China


Observational relationships between summer and winter monsoons over East Asia. Part I: Basic framework


Observational relationships between summer and winter monsoons over East Asia. Part II: Results


The physics of tropical cyclone motion


The East Asian summer monsoon: An overview


Global Warming and Western North Pacific Typhoon Activity from an Observational Perspective


Design of a Regional Climate Model for the Simulation of South China Summer Monsoon Rainfall


The East Asia winter monsoon


Characteristics, evolution and mechanisms of the summer monsoon onset over Southeast Asia


Asymmetric distribution of convection associated with tropical cyclones making landfall along the south China coast


Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Vertical Wind Shear


Relationship between the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon and the Structure of the Asian Subtropical Anticyclone


Internal Boundary Layer Studies Using a Mobile Eye-Safe Micropulse LIDAR in Hong Kong


Typhoon intensity in a warming world


The role of β-effect and a uniform current on tropical cyclone intensity




Interannual variations of tropical cyclone size over the western North Pacific


Climatological Characteristics and Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones Making Landfall along the South China Coast


Convective Asymmetries Associated with Tropical Cyclone Landfall. Part I: f-Plane Simulations


Urban aerosols spatial variations using a slant angle scanning Mie Lidar system


Influences of Structures on Urban Ventilation: A Numerical Experiment


The Role of Bay of Bengal Convection in the Onset of the 1998 South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Mechanisms Responsible for the Maintenance of the 1998 South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Relationship between the planetary-scale circulation over East Asia and the intensity of the South Asian Summer Monsoon


Synoptic Flow Patterns Associated with Small and Large Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific


How Strong ENSO Events Affect Tropical Storm Activity over the Western North Pacific*


Boundary layer dynamics associated with severe air-pollution episode in Hong Kong


Relationship between Potential Vorticity Tendency and Tropical Cyclone Motion


An investigation of air-pollutant patterns under sea–land breezes during a severe air-pollution episode in Hong Kong


Interannual and Interdecadal Variability of Winter Precipitation over China in Relation to Global Sea Level Pressure Anomalies


Internal boundary layer structure under sea-breeze conditions in Hong Kong


meeting summary: Third COMPARE Workshop: A Model Intercomparison Experiment of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction


Improvements in the Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific


The Role of the Asian-Australian Monsoon System in the Onset Time of El Niño Events


Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change from a Simple Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Model


First Transition of the Asian Summer Monsoon in 1998 and the Effect of the Tibet-Tropical Indian Ocean Thermal Contrast


Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific Associated with El Niño and La Niña Events


Dynamic and Thermodynamic Characteristics Associated with the Onset of the 1998 South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Physical Mechanisms Responsible for the Transition from a Warm to a Cold State of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation


Frequency of typhoon landfall over Guangdong Province of China during the period 1470–1931


Frequency of typhoon landfall over Guangdong Province of China during the period 1470-1931


Frequency of typhoon landfall over Guangdong Province of China during the period 1470-1931


Size of tropical cyclones as inferred from ERS-1 and ERS-2 data


Ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclone motion using a barotropic model. Part II: perturbations of the vortex


Prediction of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China


Prediction of the summer monsoon rainfall over South China


Synoptic conditions associated with high carbon monoxide episodes at a coastal station in Hong Kong


A Unified Monsoon Index for South China


Momentum Transports Associated with Tropical Cyclone Recurvature


Ensemble Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Motion Using a Barotropic Model. Part I: Perturbations of the Environment


Tropical Cyclone Genesis in a Global Numerical Weather Prediction Model


A meteorological knowledge-discovery environment


Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Activity over theWestern North Pacific and the South China Sea


East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference


Lidar probing the urban nocturnal boundary layer


Characteristics of the asymmetric circulation associated with tropical cyclone motion


A diagnostic study on the improvement in tropical cyclone motion prediction by the UK Meteorological Office Global Model


Upper-Level Features Associated with Winter Monsoon Surges over South China


An Observational Study on the Onset of the Summer Monsoon over South China around Hong Kong


Regional and synoptic-scale features associated with inactive periods of the summer monsoon over south china(1)


Application of Projection-Pursuit Principal Component Analysis Method to Climate Studies


Transformation of a Large Monsoon Depression to a Tropical Storm during TCM93


Long-term trends and interannual variability in tropical cyclone activity over the Western North Pacific


Prediction of annual tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea


Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific in Relation to the Stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation


Performance of Global and Regional NWP Models in Their Prediction of Typhoon Nat (1991)


The interaction of binary vortices in a barotropic model


Surface Features of Winter Monsoon Surges over South China


Prediction of the interannual variations of tropical cyclone movement over regions of the western north pacific


Numerical Studies of the Beta Effect in Tropical Cyclone Motion. Part II: Zonal Mean Flow Effects


Performance of the United Kingdom Meteorological Office Global Model in Predicting the Movement of Tropical Cyclones


Performance of the United Kingdom Meteorological Office global model in predicting the movement of tropical cyclones


ONR Tropical Cyclone Motion Research Initiative: Field Experiment Summary


Performance of the ECMWF Model in Predicting the Movement of Typhoon Wayne (1986)


Further Applications of Empirical Orthogonal Functions of Wind Fields for Tropical Cyclone Motion Studies


Performance of the Nested Tropical Cyclone Model as a Function of Five Storm-Related Parameters


An Objective Technique for Estimating Present Tropical Cyclone Locations


Analytical and Numerical Studies of the Beta-Effect in Tropical Cyclone Motion. Part I: Zero Mean Flow


Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Motion Using Empirical Orthogonal Function Representations of the Environmental Wind Fields


Supertyphoon Abby---An Example of Present Track Forecast Inadequacies


Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Northwest Pacific in Relation to the El Niño/Southern Oscillation Phenomenon


Identification of the Steering Flow for Tropical Cyclone Motion from Objectively Analyzed Wind Fields


Comments on ``A Numerical Study of the Interactions between Two Tropical Cyclones''


An Observational Study of the Physical Processes Responsible for Tropical Cyclone Motion


On the physical processes responsible for tropical cyclone motion /


Tropical Cyclone Movement and Surrounding Flow Relationships


O the Physical Processes Responsible for Tropical Cyclone Motion


Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Turning Motion from Surrounding Wind and Temperature Fields


Outlook for the 2003/04 East Asia Winter Monsoon




Use of QuikScat Data in Studying the Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Structure




Angular momentum transport and tropical cyclone size changes


Interdecadal and Interannual Variations of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon


Tropical Cyclone Motion and Asymmetry due to Land-sea Friction Contrast


Morning Showers over Hong Kong During Summer


The Effect of Convective Parameterization On Tropical Cyclone Motion and Intensity






A prototype raindrop-size distrometer and its application to Hong Kong rains