Xiangbo Feng



Dr. Feng is a senior research scientist at NCAS-Climate (Reading). His research towards better understanding and predictions of tropical cyclones and associated extremes on different time scales. He collaborates with the UK Met Office, WMO, China and Southeast Asia partners to evaluate dynamical models, and design tailored statistical models if necessary, for tropical cyclone hazards for operational purposes. He also interested in the underpinning physical processes in tropical cyclones (e.g., precursors, genesis and intensification) and associted extremes. He has research experience in sea level extremes (storm surge and ocean waves) and data assimilation. 

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To establish and carry out collaboration on typhoon multi-timescale prediction methods under the Shanghai Typhoon Collaborative Research Fund 2023. And to establish a long-term cooperation model to strengthen the cross-complementary project cooperation between the two sides as well as to mentor young scientists and to share typhoon information. He will further collaborate with young researchers at APTCRC in his field of research.

Dr. Feng's current work are as follows: 

FORSEA-FO-CO: FORecasting for SouthEast Asia follow on continuation (Co-I, Newton Fund WCSSP-Souteast Asia)

WESTPAC: Waves and ENSO: Seasonal Teleconnections to Predict the Activity of Cyclones (PI, Newton Fund WCSSP-Souteast Asia)

WWRP Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Forecast Products Project (Co-I, WMO, in support of the TCPFP project)

Climate risk in the Southeast and East Asia (Singapore Green Finance Centre, work with Prof Ralf Toumi at Imperial College London)

HURACAN: HUrricane Risk Amplification and Changing North Atlantic Natural disasters (Co-I, NSF-NERC Large Grant project, led by Prof Pier Luigi Vidale).

Pilot projects: "Climate Impacts on the Extreme Marine Environments over the China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road", and "Global changes in oceanic extremes caused by tropical cyclones" (PI, funded by Hohai University, China).